I started the semester with no expectations of myself as a writer. I have taken over three English classes throughout my undergraduate year because it was mandatory, but I never really enjoyed them. I was always hesitant about my grammar, tenses, and proper use of punctuation because they were academic English courses. It was not until I started this creative writing course that I felt I could express how I felt like a writer. For the first time, I felt like I could let my imaginations wander and go wild without worrying about the correct academic English format.

Our first assignment was ‘Memoir 1’ about “Meet my X,” and I chose my pet Corgi. I was surprised how free the first assignment was since I was so used to reading a literature passage and writing the hidden meanings behind the story. Since the class is called a “creative writing” course, I should’ve known. Nevertheless, I was excited to write about my Corgi, but ‘Memoir 2’ might be my favorite out of all the assignments. Memoir 2 is about my mother and how I have always seen her as my role model. The story goes more into depth about my rocky relationship with my father. Still, I didn’t notice how personal and sentimental it became while writing the memoir. I finished writing it and started second-guessing myself if I should post it, but I had to submit the piece because I had worked hard on it. As I continued to write more, I gradually became confident in my writing. I was motivated to throw in new ideas to make the plot more interesting. I had to rewrite my whole storyline a few times because I kept having different ideas on how I wanted the story to flow. I would ask my boyfriend to read them and help me decide which he liked better.

Since my first group critique, I was surprised that I have been more open to suggestions and feedback, and questions that made me think to myself and wonder how I can improve my work. People close to me know that I am stubborn; hence, receiving criticism and accepting feedback to better myself was a struggle. I remember when professor Penner said that I don’t have to take every feedback to heart. I can take what I feel is good feedback and ignore those that don’t resonate with me, precisely what I did. The group critiques did help me a lot as a writer, and they built a good perspective for me to understand what real writers go through daily. My work was not the only one being reviewed, but I had to review my peers’ work as well, which at first, was not easy for me. I was nervous about being honest if I didn’t like or understand their work. Still, to my surprise, my group had exciting plots and stories. I may have thrown in a few suggestions here and there to help enhance their work, but it is up to them if they want to take it or not, just as I do the same with my work.

I took an English 1 course two years ago. An online writing class was not a struggle for me to adapt because I have been doing online writing classes for two semesters. It is easier for me because I prefer writing my assignments on a tablet or computer instead of submitting them on paper. I remember writing everything on paper and submitting it to my professor. My professor would also write the assignments due on the chalkboard, and we had to keep track of them every week. Everything shifted online has helped me hold myself accountable and submit my work easily. However, the most challenging part would be balancing school and work because I am a full-time student and worker. I have an upper management position, so my obligations and responsibilities are tiring. I tried my best to get assignments in on time and put in my best work every time I did. I started college strong, so I would like to finish strong, and balancing both has been my greatest struggle. Unfortunately, I don’t receive financial aid, so I need to work consistent hours to pay my college tuition. I always tell myself that I will be able to find a balance, but if I am being honest, it has been two years, and I still haven’t found it. I live my life day by day, making sure that I do the best within my capability to be a strong student and worker.