Before class on Wednesday, May 11, students will…

  • Read my Announcement.
  • Post Full Name, Journal 8 under Journals and Dialogue by class time on May 11.
    • If you missed class last week, here’s the instructions on what Journal 8 is:
      • Get out your phone.
      • Go to your texts.
      • Find a text thread where you’ve had an argument, a comedic back-and-forth, a lecture to or from a family member, even a boring “can you pick up X” conversation.
      • Create a post titled Full Name, Journal 8. Save it under Dialogue AND Journals.
      • Copy and paste the text thread in the post. Add “stage directions” like Parks does and revise the conversation to make it clear to the audience who, what, when, where, why, and how. Change names! Change details! Make a fictional story from truth! Have fun with this!
  • Post revised Full Name, Short Story 2 (Revised with Dialogue) by class time on May 11.
    • If you missed class last week, we went to our Short Story 2 and spent time inserting or revising dialogue.
    • Read the Announcement for a review of what we talked about in class last Wednesday.
    • Please remember to title this entry correctly.

During and after class on Wednesday, May 11, we will…


  • Bring your Short Story 2 (revised with dialogue) to your peers for review.
  • Use the feedback to revise Short Story 2 even more!


  • I’ll continue to talk about the Final Portfolio and Final Reflection.
  • If you have questions, ask them now!


  • Go to one of your memoir pieces OR Short Story 1 and add or revise dialogue.
  • Begin working on your Final Reflection and preparing your Final Portfolio.
  • Have a first draft of your Final Reflection ready for peer review by class time on Wednesday, May 18. Title it Full Name, Final Reflection and save it under Reflections.
    • We’ll be doing a quick peer review during class on the 18th!
  • Journal Assignment 9: Reflect on your experience with dialogue writing with the text, the short story, or memoir—good, bad, so-so, and why. Title it Full Name, Journal 9 and save it under Journals by Wednesday, May 18.


I’ve noticed that several people who posted the first draft of Short Story 1 did NOT post a revision. I only give credit and feedback if the short story is titled Full Name, Short Story 1 (Revised). Please go to your Short Story 1 and make sure the revised story is correctly titled. (I’ve evaluated and commented on the Short Story 1 posts that correctly titled their stories, BTW.)

So, if you posted a revised draft of Short Story 1 and 2, but did NOT title it Full Name, Short Story 1 (Revised), do so NOW and shoot me an email with the URL so I can evaluate and comment on it!

Oh, and this is (another) Student Evaluations Reminder…

Procedures for Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET)

  1. This semester, every course-section will be evaluated.
  2. For courses that run through the end of the semester, the evaluation began on Monday, April 25 and end on Friday, May 13.
  3. Students will be sent links directly via their City Tech emails to complete the SETs.
  4. Students will receive a separate email and link for each of their enrolled courses.
  5. These evaluations are anonymous!