Azim: Hello Assalamualikum sis

Faria: Walikum salam Azim

Azim: How are you?

Faria: Alhumdulillah, I am well, thanks for asking

Azim: I am well, Alhumdulillah

Faria: What are you doing now?

Azim: I am walking to the mosque to pray

Faria: Okay, when you’re done, come home safely

Azim: Wait are you texting me from 2 diff phones or something…..

Faria: No, sorry for confusion

Azim: So then…

Faria: My dad recently went to a vacation, and my mom needed my phone for my Sim, so I gave it to her so she can talk to my dad, also, my dad’s phone wasn’t working

Azim: Ohh I see

Faria: Sorry, about that

Azim: No it’s fine, just asking

Azim: Where do you live?

Faria: I live in Queens

Azim: Oh right, I remember

Azim: Yeah, I told you before, Faria, I have to go Pray now, talk soon, it’s prayer time

Faria: Of course!!no worries, talk soon

Azim: Allah hafez

Faria: Allah hafez