(Knock on door and opens it)

Tara: yo

Anna: what happen

Tara: what you doing for your birthday

Anna: honestly I don’t know

Tara: what about the hotel party

Anna: I don’t want to do that anymore bro

Tara: why

Anna: parties are not my cup of tea anyway I want to do something I will enjoy

Tara: well ok but you birthday is right around the corner so you better find something quick.

(add pops up on computer screen quick google surch)

Anna: I figured it out the spa

Tara: why the spa

Anna: I was to get a massage and relax you know calm vibes

Tara: alright I’m with what ever just let me know

Anna: But what spa tho

Tara: I don’t know I’ve never been to one ask your mom

Anna: Ok I will but I think I want to do dinner after

(Anna spins around in the computer chair knocking down the pens in the cup on the desk)

Tara: Your so clumsy Anna

Anna: Ha ha ha what about olive garden

Tara: Hell no ill figure out the restaurant you just do the spa thing.