Dialogue 1 

( BB decides to text her best friend Ella about a situation with someone she used to like )

BB: “At the brim of I never wanna speak to you again or I’ll keep it nice at work

Ella: What

BB: Not you, Wells

Ella: B****

BB: We’ve already been friends for 12 years

Ella: I was about to go smack you. But yes that makes sense. Don’t even associate at all honestly. It isn’t even that hard to avoid at work.

BB: Nah I only work in the morning so I’m good. It feels cold  now and I rather you just never associate with me then feel like this.

Ella: Exactly so it won’t affect it at all. Exactly, better not to face it until you’re ready. You know you’ve healed when you can just pass by him and feel okay. So, we’re gonna work towards that.

BB: I feel okay, Like I know I gave myself the love that I deserved but when I tell you no one deserves that, I knew he didn’t want this and it wasn’t me I felt like I was in competition with her all the time. It’s all off my shoulders now. Even him saying hi it’s like half of me is please don’t act like we’re cool and the other side is like we can be cool.

Ella: That wasn’t fair that you felt like it but now you know what’s better out there for you. This part is so important. The realization of it all. It will shape you to be who you are supposed to be. Exactly he doesn’t deserve the hi because why even.

BB: I’ve been through this before and it’s now I decided to fix whatever’s broken in  me.