Prof. Jessica Penner | OL20 | Fall 2021

Nida Khawaja Final Reflection Draft

I never know how to start these. I’ve been writing for so many years and the attention grabber has always taken me out. Anyways let’s just jump right into this. Writing have never been my strong suit. After a long line of teacher/professor that just sucked all the fun out of it. Going into this semester my expectation was low. During the first class when everything was being explains. I really was thinking this is going to be a drag. I really can’t wait for this semester to be over. To my surprise I have grown to enjoy this class. I don’t find write as much of a drag anymore. Allow me to explain.

Throughout the Couse of the semester, we have done many assignments. Some were a little difficult and others were easy. Our first assignment was “Meet my X”. This assignment took me a minute to get my thoughts together. I literally had to force myself to sit down and write it. that how much I disliked doing an assignment. The whole time I was writing this in the back of my head was a little voice saying “I hate this” over and over. As the weeks went on by and the reading became more enjoyable. Writing became easier and I enjoyed that honest critique that made me want to do better. The journals were fun to do. I had never written a journal before, but they really helped me reflect on a few things. Writing my own short stories really got me to tap into the creative side I thought I had lost. Just when things were looking good for me the course took a scary turn.

We made it to the Poems part of the course. It was like my worst fears coming to life. The dislike I have for poem is beyond explanation at this point. I thought this is it. My creative will be gone one again. The assignment about writing our own poems was announced. I had the feeling this was going to be the one that messes up my grade.  I honestly didn’t want to do this assignment. I procrastinated like never trying to avoid it at all costs. The one thing I had sheer passion of hate for many years was one of my favorite’s things do this semester. I am so proud of the poem I wrote I even let my friend read them. To wrap up this crazy experience.

This semester was full of ups and downs. I may have been a little dramatic with some of the assignments, but I did learn a lot. I found my creativity and found enjoyment in the one thing I’ve hate my whole life. I very much appreciate writing again and don’t hate English anymore. Let hope this feeling lasts a long time.  

1 Comment

  1. Angie Navarro

    What did you enjoy about this reflection?
    I really enjoyed how the author was expressive with their writing especially when they mentioned their dislikes throughout the course especially in the part where they tried to create a poem which they dislike a lot. I also enjoyed when they mentioned “Writing have never been my strong suit. After a long line of teacher/professor that just sucked all the fun out of It.” I personally agree.
    What is one thing the writer has learned about themselves as a writer?
    From what I’ve read the writer learned how to be more creative with their own writing.
    What is one thing the writer has learned about themselves as a reader?
    How will the writer use the skills they’ve learned in college and/or community?
    They will probably use their creativity to create their piece

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