Alia went to Starbucks on a Sunday morning to get a coffee. Before dropping off her brother Alam at school, she went to Starbucks around 8:30 am. The five-year-old is in elementary school, where he is in fifth grade. Their parents had said their goodbyes to them when they left home. Taking her little brother with her, Alia ran to the car.

Alia went to Starbucks after she dropped him off, and it was packed with so many people. Everyone was clamoring for service. There were conversations going on among friends and others stared. There were people of different ages and ethnicities buying or just sitting here to drink coffee.. People who sat in the sofa area were on different tasks: working individually or in groups on their class projects, or just eating with an empty look and sleeping silently in the corner.  Through her phone, Alia has placed an order, and she is now waiting for it. The order was delivered 15 minutes after Alia placed it. Staff members were told by her that they should not take too long next time. ” Staff members said, “I’m sorry. ” 

She saw so many people who were working on laptops while some were listening to their iPods when reading. Alia also saw that the cashiers were busy inquiring about what the customers needed and remained polite to every one of the customers. Even if they asked the same question over and over again, they always had a warm smile on their face. Sometimes, they talked to each other but never really slowed down their pace. As people were leaving Starbucks, more people walked into the shop and waited in a long line to get a cup of coffee. Most of them look like students with their heavy school bags on their back or folders in their hands. After they got their coffee, they left the Starbucks in a hurry.

Alia had enjoyed her time in Starbucks where she was working her job on Starbucks instead of going to work, because of Covid, she wants to be safe so, she is working online. Alia was saying to herself that, “ this is too much work, how long will I finish this, “. She enjoys working hard to achieve success in her life. The things she noticed at Starbucks while she was working on her job amazed her. Alia is a tough woman, and she can do anything she can for her family and friends. Also, she loves to babysit, and earn money, and have fun with friends.

As Alia approached the time to pick up her younger brother from school, she left her coffee shop and went to the car, and headed to Alam’s school, which was near her house, so she drove off, and when was about to go inside of school, Alia told Alam, “I’m going to put the seat belt on you, so please get inside the car.” Alam agreed. So, both Alam and Alia entered the car. They both drove home to relax after a long day of work and school.