Ive always had really bad eczema growing up and I would usually get bullied for it especially in middle school. During my seventh grade year was when it occurred the most and in the summer my neck would get really bad. The kids called me names compared my skin to alligators and elephants as well. Now as a child that really does have an effect on you confidence and they way you see your self. My mom noticed that it would bother me not just the kids comments but it was itchy and uncomfortable. So she took me to see my first dermatologist. This was a time I would never forget because I expended so much from this doctor who I thought would just help me clear my problem. It was a male doctor and he was actually the worst one I’ve ever been to. The cream that be proscribed me wasn’t helpful plus he was just really mean. I remember going it and he didn’t even take the time to examine me at all. He looked at it and poked it then gave the assistant the name prescription. Now because that cream did not work we went to see another one. This one was nice but she did not make it a comfortable environment. Now with both of these experiences I realized my career goal. Ive always know it would be in the medical career but I had no idea which one. I enjoy popping pimples and the thought of helping people with their confidence in the way they look just opened my eyes. The fact that I can help someone who was feeling the way I was as a child or even an adult I just know it the right path for me.