Running late

It was already 7:30 when Olivia woke up. She looks over at her phone and was stunned wan she saw the time. She rolled out of bed quickly tripping over a few of her moving boxes she still had not finish unpacking. Frustrated Olivia makes her way to the bathroom to realize that her skin care products were still packed away in one of the boxes still in the living room. She already knew she would be late for work, so she just hopped in the shower. This new apartment she just moves to was amazing floor to ceiling windows, a beautiful modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances, even her dream dark wood floor. Her bathroom big two which had modern cabinets and a light gray tile in her shower. But back to Olivia she took a quick shower and scrambled to find some cloths. She works at a bank, so she had to dress business casual. She was opening the boxes marked cloths, the first box she checked wasn’t it second box had the pants, but she could not find a top to go with it. She finally checked the fifth box and found a gray dress. It took her about twenty minutes to find her work clothes. She tried calling the job to let them know she would be late, but no one picked up. 

Olivia was finally walking out the door she did not yet eat breakfast, so she thought she put in a order at Starbucks for a small caramel ice coffee and a ham and cheese croissant. Making it down to the lobby the door man says, “Good Morning enjoy your day”. Olivia waves and nods her head rushing out the door. The cold breeze hits her, and she turns around and back upstairs. She opens the door back to her apartment and digging through the pile of cloths picks up a cardigan and runs back out the door. Olivia nodes to the door man again and starts digging in her bag to find her phone to see if her Starbucks order was ready. Unable to find it she realizes its back upstairs. Under her breath she mumbles “Why me, why today”. She goes back upstairs to grab the phone. On her way back out she has a incoming call from her mom. “Hello, my sweet live what’s your plan for today?” her mother says so joyful Olivia responds, “Mom I can’t talk right now I’m a bit late to work”. “Honey you have work today?” “I thought you had Memorial Day off your brother an I are on our way to help you unpack.” When her mother said these words Olivia’s face light up with a smile as she laughed. “Mom your right and here I am going crazy trying to get ready for when I don’t even have work today.” They both started laughing and Olivia got time to fix up her apartment for the rest of the day which was another task itself.