Prof. Jessica Penner | OL20 | Fall 2021

Samantha Richard POV Story for Picture C

On the bus one night, a very tired middle-aged Mei was very tired from working at the library. The bus’s air conditioner gave Mei a very cool feeling and she quickly fell right asleep. Meanwhile, a 20 something year old man named Ted, loves playing hard rock and roll music every night on the bus on his headphones and he wasn’t so tired. One night, Ted forgot to charge his headphones and felt so bored. He wondered “What to do?” several times. He is a young man full of energy and didn’t want to sleep on the bus, just like Mei. So, he quickly brainstormed an idea to draw cool rock and roll designs. He drew pictures of fire breathing dragons and made the bus into a rock and roll tour bus with fire blazing and made it very edgy. He kept his boringness at bay by drawing and Mei slept and slept. The two might be different but have something in common: they just want to relax.


  1. Estela Guevara

    I like the names you used. I was picturing every details while I was reading your story.
    Very good.

  2. Princess_Taty

    Hello Samantha, I really enjoyed reading your story about picture C. I like how very descriptive you are with your writing. I like how you gave a little background of the characters in your story. I’m glad that Ted is respectful enough to not play his music out loud so early in the morning knowing that he forgot to charge his headphones.


    I really enjoyed the connection you made between the two people. It was a good story to read. It also really highlighted the night life in the city.

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