Nobody understands Damian. Especially his suburban family. While they love the calm, quiet atmosphere of their upstate New York living, Damian dreams of something bigger. He remembers listening to his first rock song; “Enter Sandman” by Metallica. The harsh noise and excitable vocals drew Damian in like nothing had before. Soon he started to listen to other greats; Ozzy Osbourne, Led Zeppelin, and Kiss. These all became his favorite bands and his inspirations, much to the dismay of his mother.

One of Damian’s favorite pastimes is to learn all the lyrics to his favorite songs. He loved capturing the meanings and messages that these songs wanted to convey, and he eventually began writing his own.

Damian also began to learn the guitar. Just like his hero Slash, Damian wanted to master the guitar and manipulate it to create amazing riffs and solos he’s heard.

He honed both crafts after school and even invited some of his friends from school to learn with him. It was a fun hobby for the other kids, but Damian was much more passionate, and he yearned for something more.

He scoured the internet for other musicians and lyricists that could help him break through the industry. On this journey, he noticed an ad calling for guitarists and lyricists for a brand-new band in New York City. Without giving it much thought, Damian signed up for an audition for two days from now at noon.

The problem is, Damian doesn’t have a ride. He begs and pleads with his mother. She’s very angry with him for making this big decision on a whim. But because that’s her son, and she wants him to follow his dream, they wake up at 4 in the morning to catch a greyhound bus between Binghamton and New York City.

Damian’s mother is exhausted and taking a nap during the trip. Damian, adrenaline rushing through his blood, begins to write down his thoughts and emotions, and turns them into lyrics for his next hit song.