If you haven’t completed this yet, be sure to do this before class on Tuesday:


During class on Tuesday, September 28, we will:


  • Characterization in memoir (or any genre). A brief intro to this topic can be found in my Announcement.
  • We’ll look at how the memoirists we’ve read have shown characterization both in themselves and the people they include in their work.

After class on Tuesday, September 28, students will:

  • Continue working on your BRAND NEW, never before seen by this class memoir piece!
    • Remember, you can use Journals 1 or 2 as the inspiration for this memoir, or you can turn in something else, as long as it’s a memoir.

On Thursday, September 30please do the following by 11:59 PM:


  • Send the NEW memoir piece (you can use your journal entries or anything that would be considered a memoir) for your Cohort to respond to.
    • Be sure to post it first. Title it Full Name, Memoir 2 and post it under Memoir.
    • Email the link to your Cohort members and me at creative.writing.citytech2@gmail.com.
    • Refer to the Google Doc that has our Cohorts listed–there are a few changes since “Meet My X.”

By class time on Tuesday, October 5, please do the following: