Most of my childhood I’ve always been second; I also had two older brother and was the last kid which didn’t help at all. being the only girl, as some people thought I would get special treatment or be a spoiled brat, which wasn’t the case at all, I got treated like every other sibling before me, and it was fair.

The period of my time where I felt most anonymous was when my family and I transitioned to anther church; my mother’s old childhood church. Everyone would dress me as “oh that’s Mirlande’s daughter”, then when my brother sam got “famous” it was “that’s Sammy’s sister”. the second-hand recognition never ended, I felt as if I had validation through them, no-one kew as just Tabitha.

Well not until, 6th or 7th grade; you know when puberty hits like a a ball hitting the ground. I was known for being the little girl with a shoe, but it was followed by “she got it from her mama”.. Fast forward to now , when I’ve made a name for myself in the church and known for my own accomplishments, and not by connection. I guess some can say it works out when it’s supposed too, or God works in mysterious ways.