“Whatever Happened to ___” written by anonymous details an abusive event she experienced by her husband and how it relates to a broader culture concerning female writers and motherhood. The writer has a talent for setting a scene and then moving forward in the timeline to add a future context to the event. For example she lays out how she and her daughter where making orange chicken after a stressful day, and her husband enters the scene to start the main conflict thrust upon her. She then goes forward in time to add context that her husband would have been angry due to jealousy of her being a successful author while he is not, as in the moment that would not have been known because the husband was yelling about imagined grievances such as saying the mother gets away with too much. If there was one question iq ask the author is to add some detail to their work about how they wrote the first three books or how they managaed to get them published to add detail to her journey as a writer aand how it feels to almost have that part of her life taken away.