The first time I got introduced to playing musical instruments was during middle school in music class. In the class we where taught how to play acoustic guitar with beginner lessons like memorizing chords, holding picks, and basic strumming, the first song we learned to play as a class was “All Along the Watchtower” by Jimi Hendrix. as I moved past middle school I kept a desire to continue learning how to play guitar and get more advanced as a hobby. through the years my musical taste shifted and I started to enjoy metal, specifically power metal and metalcore, which are more fast paced, and less heavy sounding compared to other metal subgenres. With my new interest I bought myself an electric guitar and amp, but I still had a high learning curve despite knowing how to play acoustic guitar. The electric guitar appealed to me more than an acoustic because it allows for a much more advanced and varying sound range that can be achieved thanks to the amp. These added ranges especially apply when trying to get more aggressive high speed tunes that could be heard in rock and metal as opposed to a softer slower pace that an acoustic guitar would be used for in genres such as pop and country. My largest difficulty trying to play electric guitar was learning to switch between chords at a faster rate to keep a songs natural flow and having to memorize chords as I was trying to play more advanced songs than I did in the past. The first song I set out to learn was “Don’t Fear The Reaper”, I chose it as it was relatively simple with repeating chords but also it would provide a challenge for me to memorize chords and speed up my strumming as the beginning of the song has the longest riff so if I could successfully learn to play the beginning, then id be able to master the rest of the song. The process of learning it was mainly just trial and error of playing and failing then repeating, also listening to the song separately helps you where at some points you are able to know what cords should be playing next without really thinking about it, so somewhat of a muscle memory develops. learning how to play electric guitar reinvigorated my interest in music as It feels as if I have so much more I can improve upon and look forward to my progression.