Prof. Jessica Penner | OL20 | Fall 2021

Fnu Nida, Meet My Hijab

The hijab is a head covering, a veil or a scarf, worn by Muslim women’s in Islam. The headscarf is tied to religion. Women wear hijab in public or in presence of non familial males. In Islam, hijab for a female mostly means covering hair and body except the face and the hands to the wrists. It is not only about covering it also teaches us how it behave in front of males.

I’m from Pakistan, it’s a Muslim country. My religion is Islam and it taught women’s to cover up in front of males. Hijab plays an important role in my life because it shows everyone that I’m Muslim which make really proud. People show respect to me and show kindness towards me. I remember when I came to USA. At first I was really upset that females in this country dress up differently than my country. I was nervous when it was my first day at high school, I thought students will make fun of me and I will be the only one wearing hijab. So, that day I decided not to cover up my head with hijab and went to school. It was time to leave that’s when I saw students from a different school. some of the girls were wearing hijab and I met a girl who was from my country. She was also wearing hijab and she seemed so confident about it. That’s when I spoke to her for the first time and she told me that its completely normal to wear hijab. she told me everyone respects you no matter what you wear. After meeting her, I promised myself that I won’t feel embarrassed when I’m wearing hijab and since that day I wear my hijab and its been five years since then.

1 Comment


    Hey Fnu, I am also from Pakistan. I am really glad you found someone to help you and show you that it is okay to wear the hijab. My aunt wears is to and I love how confident women look wearing it. I like how you explained it in the beginning because many people still think is a way of oppressing women but its not. Wearing the hijab is a beautiful thing.

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