Prof. Jessica Penner | OL05 | Fall 2020

Jozelyn Santos, Journal 1

My mother always told me that friends come and go and that it is an experience that everyone goes through, no matter how young or old. I have gone through my fair share of friendships that started off as inseparable then began to degrade as if someone had stepped into a pile of quicksand. Just like most friendships, the two people are stuck together like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich believing that them being together all the time defines how strong their bond is. Then there are friendships were both parties gradually get to know each other and keep the connection open between the two, which for me is how my best friendship began. 

We met in our sophomore year at the High School of Fashion Industries, both majoring in fashion design just like a majority of the students. From the moment we met, we shared laughs and smiles, looking forward to seeing each other Monday through Friday. Luckily, throughout our high school years, we had lunch together for the next three years and a few shared classes here and there. Unfortunately, we were not able to hang out after school as much as we wanted due to her long commute back home but that never stopped us from texting one another and sending silly videos. During this time both of us had our own best friends but our bond slowly got stronger and I longed for her bubbly, heart warming presence that was never a dull moment.

Once college began, we stayed in touch as best as we could by keeping tabs on each other and checking in. Although, we did not hang out as much, overtime we got the chance, it was one for the books. Then just like most people, we both hit a bump in our life, leaving us to wonder what our life has in store for us, how will we overcome our personal issues and embarking on our journey of self discovery. At this time in our lives, we became closer, sharing our deepest thoughts, worries, accomplishments and more. Through it all we laughed, cried and reassured each other that we are beautiful, independent women who will work hard for what we deserve. I judgement free, loving friendship that has grown into a sisterhood for the past seven years. Who is this person you may ask? Her name is Yeimy Alvarado and she has been by my side through thick and thing, as I for her. 

1 Comment

  1. Adama Barro

    Jozelyn, nice to have you as a classmate, sorry for the late response, i register a little bit late.
    You are so lucky to have a friend like Yeimy Alvarado , good friend is like family, they support you on your up and down,these days specially with social media ,physical friendship is becoming very rare.
    Keep up with your good friend,have fun and always remember that you will encounter some challenging time, remember of your good days to overcome any misunderstanding.
    I agree with you friends come and go , do you think if we hold on a friendship it will go?

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