I can’t remember time where I truly felt anonymous. Recently however, I have been forced to be anonymous in my own home. Not too long ago, I moved into a new house where I got my own room. I took decorating my room very serious because this was the first time I had my own room. Previously, I have shared a room with my sisters. My main goal in decorating my room was to make it comfortable and homey as possible. In comparison, my brother’s room is very scarce and minimal. My brother has told me multiple times that he likes my room more than his own, thus he visits often. Lately, my brother has started to sleep in my bed now. In the beginning I didn’t mind. He said that my bed was more comfortable than his. The compliment boosted my ego. Therefore, I let him sleep in my bed more. Although this has had a bad effect on my brother. Now he comes in too often. Most times, I would have to wait for him to wake up to go to bed. I feel bad waking him up myself. So, I tell my mom to do it instead. I tell my mom to wake my brother up so that I don’t have to back I feel bad waking up sleeping person. I remain anonymous, while working behind the scenes to take my bed back.