Prof. Jessica Penner | OL05 | Fall 2020

Angelica Hernandez, Anonymous Critique

ENG 1141

Creative Writing

Formal Critique

Reviewer’s Name: Angelica Hernandez

Title of Piece: “Whatever Happened to____?” Author’s Name: Anonymous

I really enjoyed Anonymous piece of work, the way she structured her work to her descriptions of her divorce. Anonymous sets up her story by telling a story,  which at the end of it describes a woman who used to write but then clearly stopped due to marriage. Which is a great way to start off because she then talks about how she’s a writer, a professor, and a mother. I think it was great to know that she didn’t let marriage or children stop her from being a writer. Then discusses how her husband became violent which led to a divorce. Anonymous mentions, the husband doesn’t have to fulfill a dream or hold the highest title that would represent them both, for example, Anonymous says “In my ex-husband’s mind, it seems I was supposed to play the part of a great writer’s wife. Instead, I am a writer.” Her Ex-husband seems to believe that, Anonymous is at fault saying “Your mama..gets away with too much” which in my perspective I think it’s out of jealousy, Anonymous is a successful writer and person compared to her Ex. That idea of toxic masculinity went through his head which led them to him being violent and to the nasty divorce. I liked her description of these events. It really brings the reader in and makes them feel involved and with Anonymous. What I took from Anonymous story is that women don’t have to refrain from their dreams/ hobbies no matter the hardships. My question for Anonymous is what did you teach your daughter from your experience?


  1. Luzmery

    Hi Angelica, I agree with you. Her husband wanted people to know her as “the wife of X” and not by who she really was. He had the idea that women go behind men and when he saw how successful her career was becoming he turned violent thinking that maybe that would scare her and eventually stop her from writing.

  2. nickay82

    Hi Angelica grate critique! I agree, her husband was stuck in the societal way of view women as nothing more than an asset of their husbands.

    It is sad but true, many men in our society still thinks the way her husband does, and do get jealous and violent towards their partners if they make more money than they do or have a better job. Because men have been the dominant sex in the workplace for so long, now that woman are performing on the same level and even outperforming them, their egos cannot handle it and I think that is what the story was really trying to shine a light on.

  3. nickay82

    Hi Angelica grate critique! I agree, her husband was stuck in the societal way of view women as nothing more than an asset of their husbands.

    It is sad but true, many men in our society still thinks the way her husband does, and do get jealous and violent towards their partners if they make more money than they do or have a better job. Because men have been the dominant sex in the workplace for so long, now that woman are performing on the same level and even outperforming them, their egos cannot handle it and I think that is what the story was really trying to shine a light on.

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