Growing up in the 90’s,technology was not so advanced, precisely cellular phones.The only wireless communication I knew at the time was talking walkie.

Talking walkie was mostly used by law enforcement, the only way for us to communicate long distance beside home phone was either face to face or send letters to each other.

The first time I saw a cell phone, it was so amazing,it was like something from a syfy movie, it was like a dream come true.

Imagine being able to talk to your loved ones without commuting and also walking around and showing off at the same time, it was the best feeling ever.

For most tenagers like myself,having a cell phone was a privilege,I was lucky to have one.

My cell phone was like my baby. I used to hold him everywhere and make sure everyone noticed it.My phone was so big that it couldn’t  fit in my pocket.The funny thing, i had no one to call and beside that wireless communication was so expensive, that I could not afford to even call someone.

My phone was mostly for show off, I used to let my friends call me from a home phone when I was in public just for my ringtone to play.

My phone was so big that I had to let it charge at least 4 hours before getting full baterie bars.

Unfortunately for my lovely cell phone, one day I forgot to unplug it from the charge, it overheated and the battery blew up.i was so sad ,I cried all day.

My cell phone was the best material thing I ever had and that I was so attached to,I can never forget those days.

After a long wait,in 1998 i was finally able to get another cellular phone but no other phone can replace my first big,bulky,heavy and ugly first phone.

I wish I could have a picture of my first phone,I would have framed it and hand it on my bedroom wall.