Prof. Jessica Penner | OL05 | Fall 2020

Maria Mateo, Chapter 1 “Truth & Beauty”

Chapter one on”Truth & Beauty” from Ann Patchett’s , what I really enjoy was how well Ann describe the story , she was very descriptive and informative about everything she went through to be Lucy’s friend. Ann carefully detailed Lucy’s physical appearance giving the reader a picture of how she would look like physically after all the surgery he has done. Ann also shows us that although Lucy’s befriended by many, she was forever lonely. This memoir made me understand that it doesn’t matter if there is a friendship involved, it is always good to help others without expecting anything in return, even if that person has treated you badly in the past. Because from moments like this good things can come up just like the friendship between Ann and Lucy.

My question is that , since Lucy was a talented writer. Did she utilize that gift as an approach to understand life? Your friendship was only based on Lucy telling you all her problems or she never stopped to care about you ?


  1. Mohammed Hashim

    Hi Maria, I liked how you said that it’s good to do something for someone without expecting anything back. It’s kind of cool that you see it that way in Ann and Lucy’s “friendship”. I’d only agree with that statement if the person I’m helping is a good friend of mine, which to me seems strange for Ann and Lucy because Lucy kind of depended on Ann more due to coping with being lonely.

  2. Chynaworrell

    Hi Maria, you brought up a good point! Although Lucy had a lot of friends and seemingly a lot of popularity she was still lonely and it was shown in the letters that she sent to Patchett. Very interesting point.

  3. Chynaworrell

    Hi Maria, you brought up a good point! Although Lucy had a lot of friends and seemingly a lot of popularity she was still lonely and it was shown in the letters that she sent to Patchett. Very interesting point.

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