Prof. Jessica Penner | OL05 | Fall 2020

Chyna Worrell – Meet My Perfume

Growing up I would admire my grandmother’s perfume collection every time I went to her house. I loved how pretty the bottles were and I was fascinated at how much she had. From time to time I’d sneak a few sprays to smell them. I knew they were expensive and I didn’t want her to catch me playing in them. Whenever she would ask her to get me one she’d always say, “I’ll get you perfume just like this one day when you’re older” and I couldn’t wait for the day.

That day came on my 16th birthday. My grandma had come over to see me while I was getting ready for my sweet 16 and presented me with a beautifully wrapped box. When I opened it, I seen Chanel no. 5 perfume and I was ecstatic. This was a big deal to me because any perfume or fragrance that I wore before I received that were the inexpensive body sprays from Bath & Body Works or Victoria’s secret. My grandma told me that my turning 16 meant that I was no longer a little girl and that I was young woman and that I was now old enough to take care of and cherish a nice perfume. To this day Chanel no. 5 is one of my favorite perfumes, I even have the same bottle that my grandma gave me when I was 16 (I’ll be due for a refill soon). I’m 20 now and I have my own perfume collection just like my grandma’s and everyday when I look at my perfume tray I always think of her.


  1. Diana Rivera

    I love that you show your relationship with your grandma without going into so much detail: it’s very beautiful. How many perfumes do you have? If you have a daughter would you give her a Chanel no. 5 for her 16th birthday like you received for yours? Do you want your collection to grow?

  2. maliklee

    I like how you were excited to receive the perfume from your grandmother which can become very sentiment to you.Just like your grandmother my mother has a collection that is still growing and she was able to pass it down to my older brother.I sneak into his collection and spray myself as well but never thought of collecting because I wear the same scents.Since you’ve started your own collection do you plan on adding more perfumes to it and thinking of the future would you get your child or children interested in starting their own collection making it a tradition?

  3. maliklee

    I like how you were excited to receive the perfume from your grandmother which can become very sentiment to you.Just like your grandmother my mother has a collection that is still growing and she was able to pass it down to my older brother.I sneak into his collection and spray myself as well but never thought of collecting because I wear the same scents.Since you’ve started your own collection do you plan on adding more perfumes to it and thinking of the future would you get your child or children interested in starting their own collection making it a tradition?

  4. Kiara Wright

    i really like how you explained how you would sneak around your grandmothers perfume because of how much you admire her collection. Also the way you expressed it, to me was funny because its like Bath and body works perfume is like the starter pack then extravagant perfume like the ones that’s on the more expensive if the full package. How big is your collection?

  5. Angelica Hernandez

    Hi, I really like how infactuated you are with perfumes due to your grandmother and carried that infactuation til this day. You’re 16th birthday party must have been a big moment in your life and recieving that Chanel perfume is a great way to symbolize your growth as a person. How big is youre collection exactly and what perfumes do you like the most?

  6. Sarvinoz Erkinova

    I really enjoyed reading your story Chyna. It’s amazing how you admired one thing and actually got it on your 16th birthday. I also love wearing perfume. Smelling all these good smells makes me really happy and is an instant mood booster. Are there any other specific scents from specific brands that you like other than Chanel no. 5?

  7. Kael Krummenauer

    it’s great to have a connection like that with a grandparent, especially one that ends up developing into a healthy hobby that will persist through the ages. I’m not much of a perfume admirer myself but have you ever noticed your tastes and preferred perfumes changing with time?

  8. Mohammed Hashim

    Perfumes are great and I love my colognes. My friends and I agreed that colognes are probably the best gifts to ever exists. You can never go wrong with a good cologne/perfume because everybody loves them.

    • Bryan.carabajo

      I love the relationship you had with your grandmother and the way she waited for you to turn 16 to get you a really good perfume. I myself love buying colognes, but my father is the one that has the major collection of colognes and I always sneak into his room and use his. His favorite colognes are Polo and Versace and those are my favorite as well. I tend to buy my father colognes for his birthday and christmas and I always end up using them aswell lol! Overall, I admire how close you and your grandmother are. Beautiful story

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