Yaire Castillo

7 October 2020


Word Count:353

The topic that I have decided to use and write about for the Annotated Bibliography is the effects that immigration detention centers have on immigrants.

Cons that Immigration Detention centers have:

  • People are both physically and mentally harmed
  • They break up families, causing kids to grow up without parents or for either partner to end up alone.
  • ICE ignores important guidelines like even now with covid, not following the rule of social distance 
  • Human rights are being violated 
  • They develop mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression and PTSD, suicide
  • Medical help is often ignored
  • Many women who are pregnant lose their babies
  • They are in cruel conditions
  • People are overcrowded
  • Lack of hygiene 
  • No access to a lawyer 
  • They serve raw and non nutritional food
  • Lack of sleep because they are often being woken up through the night 
  • Sometimes they make errors and detain people they shouldn’t
  • Deaths keep piling up due to negligence
  • Verbal harassment because of their ethnicity

While doing research on the cons of Immigration detention centers I was nothing but disappointed and angry. It was so unfair to think that even now that we are in the 21st century people are still paying for their ethnicity when they have no control of it. I learned that many families are being torn apart from each other creating both adults and children to develop mental illnesses. I also learned that multiple neglections from the detention centers harm both children and adults, healthwise. Things like lack of hygiene, overcrowdedness, no medical help, raw food all harm people physically. Piling up dead bodies within time. It is inhumane that many pregnant women who have been detained lose their children because of a miscarriage. A miscarriage that was the result of an immigration detention centers. Lives are being ruined and terminated.

1- What is the purpose of immigration detention centers?

2 – Will the deaths of many immigrants open people’s eyes that detention centers are not ethical?

3 – What is worse, death penalties or immigration detention centers?

4 – What other guidelines are Immigration detention centers still ignoring?

5 – How can we get rid of ICE?