Part 1:

This writing course has to be one of the most challenge course I’ve taken. And I feel that its because everything is online so it makes it really hard to keep up and understand what I need to do. Last week I choose to edit U1 writing assignment but I decided to edit U3 instead due to the recent feedback I just received. To be honest this was the one assignment that I didn’t really understand as much and was really hard for me to do. It so funny because I thought this assignment was going to be the easiest out of all the other assignment. So far I feel that U2 assignment was the easiest assignment and the most understanding one. I say this because I feel that everything was well broken down, and it was something that I was already familiar; I’ve been doing annotated bibs since I was in high school. This class has taught me that I procrastinate a lot and that’s something I really need to work on, because every time I wait last min I start to stress myself out. But it definitely help me grow in my writing, and I feel that the online class definitely made things hard for me, hopefully its better next semester.

Part 2:

The micro-activities that I choose was #3 and #12 because I feel that it shows a lot of growth within my writing. My style of writing has also improve a lot, such as formatting etc. I feel that I improved more in my writing because of the type of assignments that we had to do for each micro-activity. What I mean by that is the first few micro activities that we had worked on focused on the readings that we had to do, give as an idea on how the assignment was suppose to be but wasn’t part of the steps for the assignment. (If that makes sense). But towards the ending all the micro-activities that we did lead us to the assignment or was like it was assignment written in separate parts, that will later be incorporated into the final assignment. I’m proud of how far I have come in this class and it only gets better from here.