Chyna Vazquez

November 30, 2020 


Word count: 475

Part 1:

As a writer, I have learned that I have changed the way I express myself. I also noticed that I have a deliberate way of talking. My vocabulary has also improved. Before improving my vocabulary, the words that I now used were hard for me before. The format and structure of my sentences are more complex. I will use what I have learned this semester and transfer it to other situations by using the same skills I have practiced onto harder writing assignments. When I first started this class, I would have a really hard time reaching the word count. However, I have noticed that I’ve been able to reach the word count much easier and faster. My favorite assignment was the unit 3 Assignment because it was an easy way to gather my ideas and transfer it to a visual image. I really enjoyed creating my brochure by adding thought and significant pictures. My least favorite assignment would be unit 1 because I personally dislike talking about myself. Therefore, this prevented me from writing. As the genre changed throughout the semester, I noticed that I read better than how I used to read before. I can comprehend and understand the readings easier even if the genres were different. For my unit 3 assignment, I knew an informational brochure would be the way to go. It was an easier option for me to visually show my thoughts about unit 2. The content I used supported what I had previously mentioned in my unit 2 assignment. For my design, I simply altered the colors of the template and added colors that were outstanding. My early beliefs about myself were not so great. I judge myself too much, so I feared that I wasn’t going to be able to understand and comprehend assignments or readings throughout the course. My beliefs have changed because I can express myself easier. 

Part 2: 

I will include two micro-activities into my portfolio. I decided to pick these two pieces because I put a lot of thought into these assignments. Micro-activity #17 really shows my growth as a writer because it is easier to read and it’s straightforward. Micro-activity #11 was one of the assignments that I struggled with. I spent a lot of time looking for reliable sources that talked about the awful conditions migrants are in. However, I was able to overcome this obstacle and I was able to easily summarize each source. Micro-activity #17 was an assignment that came easily to me because it was a very passionate topic for me. I knew what I wanted to say and how to say it. This tells me that as a writer, I am actually able to express myself through stuff that I find relevant. The sentence structure in my micro-activity #17 very more complex than my micro-activity #11.