Dyrisha John

Eng 1121

NOV 24,2020

Word count:167

this is my reflection on the unit 3 multimedia activity well I can’t say it was easy trying to upload this piece I tried to do this piece on Microsoft word but it wasn’t coming out the way it was supposed to. So I scrapped that and then did it free hand but then for some reason it would not let me upload the piece to the openly it kept telling me that I can’t share a private piece of work. So yeah that happened then the words piece wasn’t that hard for me because I feel like if its something I’m passionate about then I will be able to type up and or talk about that topic forever because I have a passion about it and I do my hardest to research and teach myself more about that topic. and my topic was social injustice and I had my project planned out because I used to watch a lot of tv.