Kevon Dawkins


English 1121

Word Counts:347

Micro-Activity #18: Choosing a Mode

  • For my unit three genre, I chose a poem that I wrote a poem last semester for my unit three assignment (lame answer), and also my genre of the month is poetry that I get to literate poems about the live justices on police brutality my main topic. Writing poems is a way to express your feelings emotions and mood and moods that surrounds a topic your most interesting to. Writing poems help you see ideas from a different point of you that you get to be in someone else’s shoes. Poetry is good for development learning which helps kids while they’re growing to be better not only in writing but critical thinking skills which enables them to write more. Another key factor of why I choose to write a poem is that you develop hardships of the current age to understand one another from various viewpoints. Well, I hope to achieve more ideas that I can broader down my research but I want to impact them that led them to change.
  • Well, the elements on feature for this poem are texture, tone, and communication (how scriptures can develop imagery which transforms into messages). The spectators should expect to see literary techniques and poetic devices (literally devices such as simile, irony, metaphor, personification, analogy, etc) that is used to show the relationship between me as a poet and the topic “police brutality on Black people”.

Imagery -using a figure of speech I can compare with reality versus expectation.

Rhythm -speed/space of how to write about the topic.

Theme- what I learned what to expect about the main idea.

Symbolism- what the topic represents, portrays, characterize.

Density -how much I know of which I summarize of at least 3 stanzas before a paragraph.

  • In the future of the writing piece, I will present in a polymerase form that is the result of my revised annotated bibliography and more in-depth research. So what information will I Include,?well spoilers, police brutality. I will organize by taking most of my notes that I gathered and compose it.