Some ideas for your multimodal project!

Okay, so by now you’ve viewed the videos and examined the samples of multimodal work, as well as carefully read the Unit 3 Writing Assignment. Hopefully, you’ve begun to think about your Unit 2 project and come up with an idea or three about how you’d take your research and repurpose it.

I’ve had a few one-on-one conversations and answered your questions in the Discussion post, so I feel that many of you are understanding and on board with what’s expected for this unit.

If you’re still confused or worried, never fear. This week, we’re going to look at a student’s example and spend time discussing it on Google Docs. I also want you to really solidify what you want to do for the Unit 3 assignment.

I also encourage you to come chat with me about your ideas and/or questions during my office hours. Sometimes a quick 5-minute chat clears up confusion better than an email exchange!

Anyway, go to the Agenda page for Week 11 to see all the activities!