Mahreen Munawar

ENG 1121 

Word count: 193

I think that Aydin, Spiegleman, and Satrapi decided to inform readers about these important, historical events using multimodal texts (graphic novels and film) rather than writing traditional novels or historical essays because they evoke pure emotion and give faces to their character instead of letting the readers imagine on their own. Although letting the reader’s imagination wander is great, some people lack that creative sense and find it easier to have a picture in front of them rather than making one up in their head. Also, going beyond the traditional essay and novel is a great way of storytelling and it can get kids interested in history and politics at a younger age. Personally, even for me, I tend to go towards a book that has some sort of illustration so I think it’s a great way to capture the reader’s attention. 

I’ve never really done a multimodal piece but I’m excited to try. I tried incorporating storytelling in my communication design class but it wasn’t nearly as good as these but I’m still excited to see what I come up with and so do others.