Kevon Dawkins


English 1121

Word Counts:170

Micro-Activity #16: Looking at Multimodal Texts

Based on Aydin, Spiegleman, and Satrapi, they placed a view on the society that events have such a strong experience when viewing a media for a better understanding of what the author message is about. For us students, this makes the source more interesting due to the rise of technology and the internet for us to do more research based on what particular event took place. As an internet being, I get to design and share our thoughts for our society whether they agree or disagree, basically you get to share what you’re thinking. By looking at these samples provided, I can say that the way how we process information by using multimedia is different from literacy that we chose whatever is best fit for our standards.

I have written a multimedia before that was fun which gives a full explanation of an event. For example, an essay about “1917” is not the best fit for the movie which gives a background color of what happened behind the scenes.