Chyna Vazquez

October 28, 2020


Word Count: 167

  1. I think the main reason Aydin, Spiegleman, and Satrapi decided to inform readers about these important, historical events using multimodal texts was to give a visual image to their audience of what was going during those time periods. Through the use of pictures, authors can easily grab the attention of young readers but still convey the author’s purpose. Multimodal texts are a combination of written language, image, and design. Yes, I can predict how reading or watching the entire novel or film might affect the way I understand, feel, react to each author’s subject. All three events are historical and very touching moments. Many people died throughout all of these events and each makes any reader feel sympathy. 
  2. I have personally never worked on a multimodal piece. I am excited that I’m finally going to do a multimodal text. I also enjoy drawing during my free time. I just hope I will be able to get my main idea across through the choice of words and images.