Kevon Dawkins


English 1121

Word Counts:328

Micro-Activity #15: Reflecting on the Research Process

Well, phew I have got over this big boss so I hope there’s is more to improve and overcome my limits. Writing this writing assignment is the most difficult literacy challenge I have ever taken in my English career judging the fact that it was non-stop writing and research at the same time which I embrace the pain. You know what they say “patience is a virtue and patience is temporary “ that I’m on the internet surfing the web for new information that I have never been taught before. I would say introduction and conclusion were the most challenging part and why?. Well since middle school, I always have nightmares, starting a sentence that I have so many ideas on my mind but what’s the best option which if I chose wrong that’s it, there’s no turning back. We all have childish nightmares that haunt us to this day that cause anxiety and panicking sometimes. When writing my conclusion, I tried to avoid repeating the thesis that’s not necessary in this part of a research paper. Another challenge is bringing up minor points that are already solved in the body paragraph so instead, I research more and more until the explanation is 100% valid in-depth. I know this negative effect of writing the conclusion, but it’s minor, not anything major-introducing new information. Sometimes I have new ideas that make me angry that I asked myself “why do I wait until the end to explain more on that quote or what I’m trying to claim/clarify”.In the end, I learned a lot of literacy techniques that I should have put in my paper but have to experience/practice more to understand better like “those who don’t jump will never fly” .Outline is that I learn when doing my research paper that can help you in a long way. With the notes I took down, I brainstorm the topic of which I chose, therefore more reasonings to be justified.