Chyna Vazquez

October 15, 2020


Word Count: 270

Research Question: How do detention centers affect the health of immigrant children?

  • I chose this question because the conditions that children are kept in is heartbreaking. Many immigrants and asylum seekers come to the U.S. for a better life yet they are denied the American dream that everyone aspires. The injustice within detention centers is unspoken and should not. Ever since the pandemic, many immigrants are dying in the hands of the government. Most if not all children have limited access to medical care and are kept in overcrowded populations. Since children are kept in overcrowded cells, infections and disease are easily spread. It is inhumane to see young children living in these conditions. 
  • I am interested because it is a very sentimental topic for me. I’m personally a first generation Mexican American. I have heard about family friends refusing to go outside in fear of being detained. Also, I’ve personally watched netflix series and videos on social media that show how children are mistreated. It is devastating to watch young children as young as 1-year-old crying because ICE has detained their parents. The death toll of detainees has risen since the Trump administration. 
  • The information I expect to find is not going to be pleasant at all. I hope to find articles that talk about the effect on immigrant children being separated from their parents. Also, data statistics that show and explain possible long term trauma. 
  • If I don’t find something that does not fit my hypothesis, I will revise my research question. I will use the data that I found in order to make a new hypothesis.