1. The beginning of the Declaration of Independence, starts off with the section known as the introduction. The intro explains the causes for the separation from Great Britain them being the tyranny of King George III. The intro’s purpose is too provide valid reasoning as to why the United States wants to secede from Great Britain by providing fair causes.
  2. The second section is known as the preamble. The preamble states the new ideologies that our founding fathers have decided to base it on philosophical reasoning once independent from Great Britain. The reason behind the preamble was to make a stand and show that there a new rules under a new government and not under a different governing entity.
  3. The third section or section’s are is known as the body. The first section of the body lists the specific grievances that the United States has against Britain and King George III. The second section explains that how the colonists have been trying multiple times to withdraw from Britain’s unjust control over the people of the colonies. Therefore the colonists are declaring there why they are choosing to go this route.
  4. The last section is known as the conclusion. In the conclusion, the colonists are proposing that the authority to declare war, foreign trade , and that all rule of the British crown must be withdrawn from the land on the colonies. The conclusion also declares that the states will finally become independent and the rights granted to all people in the colonies. The conclusion is especially important because it explains the rights that the colonies are subjected to and is the birth of a new nation.

The Declaration of Independence structure gives off a very persuasive point of view of what the founding fathers were trying to establish in their time. Specifically, the list of reasons that the Kingdom of Britain must be withdrawn from the 13 colonies rule and are to be independent. The body of the declaration makes a clear point that the rule of George III must be removed from the colonies due to the tyrannous behavior that King George III has put forth in the colonies.

Reading Randy Barnett’s article I would have to pick claim 6. In todays society, I believe that most if not many people don’t really have that much power anymore. I believe that the form of government is corrupt and that protests don’t really work anymore like they used to. Also if the people are able to overthrow the government would probably be a major problem since not a lot of order can be established amongst people. In present day, peaceful protests don’t happen anymore and many of the protest instantly convert to riots.