Muhammad Musharib

English 1121

Professor J.Penner 


  1. A letter by Marry Wollstonecraft, which is dedicated to the rights of women. She disagrees with the education and on the low manners of how society has looked up to a woman. According to her letter, she wants the same rights meaning reform the education system and wants both civil and political rights. She wants to influence the recipient by her letter that society can still reform (same as Frederick Douglass) with civil and political rights for women as well. 
  1. She can be in the same discourse community as Fedridck Douglass with different ideas of reform because both Mary Wollstonecraft and Fedrick Douglass wanted to influence society but their ideas were different. 
  1. Quote ~ “•For civil and political rights can be drawn •from reason; and with that splendid support, the more understanding women acquire the more they will be attached to their duty, understanding it.”(Page 2)

Writing strategy – For example, if my claim was women’s rights I would have chosen political and civil rights and duties so that’s important for me because it can let the audience the effect of my claim.

Quote ~ “ If women aren’t permitted to enjoy legitimate rights, they will seek illicit privileges in ways that make both men and themselves vicious” Page 3
Writing strategy ~ this also talks about rights but this time a term legitimate is mentioned which is associated with political and civil, that’s a boner reason I would use if my claim was women’s rights because both reasons are similar and associated with the same thing.