Prof. Jessica Penner | OL70 | Fall 2020

Micro Activity #3

Ethan Mau
Prof Penner
ENG 1121

A discourse community I belong to would be my close friend group. This group is friends who I met in high school and are the only people from high school I still talk to. An issue I would mention in this group is how the personalities tend to clash. The way personality is typically talked about is as if someone has a particular trait, and that is just a fact about the person. An example I would use is a personality quiz, where some of the answers to someone’s personality is ” quiet and reserved”, or, “loud and obnoxious”. This is viewed as fact, determining how someone is viewed/judged. The way I view that is someone being “loud and obnoxious” is a reaction towards something because people’s personalities can change depending on the environment. Someone would act differently based on the environment.
The problem in this friend group would be that some personalities clash. I have a friend who really values independence/freedom, and this can be viewed in how he interacts with his family, and how he interacts with others when they don’t have that freedom that he so seeks. He is a very caring person(friend A), and we have a friend (friend B) who’s mother is extremely controlling, and (friend A) he has offered to help in every facet I have seen. This is a problem because we also have a friend (friend C) that has accepted living with fewer freedoms, and is happier like that, but friend A is against living with fewer freedoms, and only accepts a “free” lifestyle. This is not a problem I view as addressable, because this is just two people with clashing views on the same thing. One refuses to live life taking orders from other people, one is completely content with listening to others.


  1. Karan

    Hey Ethan! I totally agree with friends and personalities clashing together. I have the same issue with my friend who I knew even since 6th grade! But the way we act are completely different from one another and we tend to argue a lot.

    • KevonDawkins

      Greetings Ethan,i can relate with your high school friend group that helps on whatever problem he/she face. Difference in goals ,i can also relate that having friends that have different goals can be complicated at times but thats life.

  2. Chelsea Brenyah

    Hey Ethan, I definitely feel you on that have a friend group personalities tend to clash a lot. But I feel that, that’s what makes the friendship stronger. Its okay for you all to have a different personalities as long as you all have the similar interest in certain things which help strengthen the bond in my opinion.

  3. Yaire

    Hi Ethan,
    the fact you chose your close friend group from High school is amazing. That idea never come to me. I think that being in a friend group in which all of your personalities are different creates some type of balance. Your differences are what makes your friendship so much stronger and fun! I’m glad you still have some friends from high school that you still talk to.

  4. rania mohamed

    Hey Ethen,

    I agree with the fact that you have a friend group from high school that you stilll talk to till this day. Mine is more just one person than a group. I have a best friend that i met in my high school days and she is still my best friend till now. However i do still have some connections with some of my classmates from Hugh school.

  5. rania mohamed

    Hey Ethen,

    I agree with the fact that you have a friend group from high school that you stilll talk to till this day. Mine is more just one person than a group. I have a best friend that i met in my high school days and she is still my best friend till now. However I do still have some connections with some of my classmates from High school. But having friends from high school is still a wonderful thing.

  6. Chhring N Sherpa

    I resemble your friendship with my friendship, since I’m from asia and most of my friends are from asia and same country. Our culture have a very strict rules and regulation that sometimes we can’t have freedom to meet each other and i think that culture plays a huge on one’s personality and behavior.

  7. Ana Lis Amezquita

    Hey Ethan, I can agree with you in somethings. Having friends with different personalities can clash and cause some issues and I have experienced that myself. But me and my friends tend to get along regardless. The problem is when we meet someone else new and try to talk to them, we kind of don’t get along with them just because we’re so used to us that we don’t want another person in the group.

  8. Muhammad Musharib

    Hey Ethan, I can relate to your discourse community i also used to have a best friend but throughout my high school and when i entered as a college student we slowly drifted apart so i agree with you on personalty can clash in between friendship.

  9. Muhammad Musharib

    Hey Ethan, I can relate to your discourse community i also used to have a best friend but throughout my high school and when i entered as a college student we slowly drifted apart so i agree with you on personalty can clash in between friendship.

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