Chhring N Sherpa

Week 2

Micro activity #2

When I read the story about Kothari, she mentions about foods in about every stanza. For instance, in the starting line she says, “The first time my mother and I open a can of tuna, I am nine years old. We stand in the doorway of the kitchen, in semi-darkness, the can tilted toward daylight.” and later on she compares the food that her family and the students on her school eats. She says that”  I want to eat what the kids at school eat: bologna, hot dogs, salami—foods my parents find repugnant because they contain pork and meat by-products, crushed bone and hair glued together by chemicals and fat.” This illustrates that she belongs to a discourse community of a newly Indian-American family who follows their own traditional cultures, values and especially thier own food. Kothari in the story is an eye that shows the reader about the culture differences between a traditional indian family and American family.