Kseniia Dymchenko


ENG 1121

Word Count: 289

This article is intended for a wide range of readers who want to change their lives. Those who find it difficult to communicate in society, for some reason. It shows how difficult it can be for people to adapt to changes in their lives. If a person, for some reason, changes his usual way of life, then the probability that he will adapt is higher when the person is young, or he is sufficiently educated. If a person is poorly educated, and has no motivation then in any situation his behavior is the same type, it is difficult for such people to change.

Kothari belongs to different discussion communities:

-Community of the Indian family;

-Community of the class in which they are studying;

-The boarding school community;

-Your family’s community

I would like to tell you about my situation.

For five years of living in another country, I have changed a lot. I came here with insufficient knowledge of the language. I didn’t believe in my capabilities. In my past life I had a fairly good education, but here I had to start from scratch. But I love America so much, its freedom of expression, and the chances that it gives to each of its citizens that I realized that everything will work out for me. Of course, you need to constantly work on yourself, look for like-minded people who can help me with their knowledge and experience.

Now I work in the industry that my soul strives for. I am in college. I believe that everything will work out if you just want to. But this does not mean that I have lost my individuality, I have a lot of those habits, interests, hobbies that I had before.