Prof. Jessica Penner | OL70 | Fall 2020

Micro Activity #2

Dyrisha John

August 31,2020

English 1121

word count: 275

Week two agenda

Quote #1 

Discourse communities both influence and are influenced by the larger communities within which they are situated (Paragraph 9)

Response #1

Something made me attracted to this quote but communities in general are influenced by larger groups.

Quote #2 

a third problematic area is that both the discourse community concepts and that of communities of practice tend to view their objects of study through an overly idealistic lens, especially in terms of assumptions about shared beliefs values, motives and allegiances among its members

Response #2 

Discourse community concert and that all communities of practice sense of view their objective studies from or really idealistic lens is kind of like when you tour a college of your dream and when you tour of school you only tour because it’s cheaper. What I mean by that is that you look at the college of your dreams through a different lens a different perspective because you really wanna go to that school of choice or that place of choice. And the other tour is seen through a different perspective because it’s not something you could see yourself going to.   

Discourse communities I am a part of

1.     City Tech community- A school is said to be an example of swales six characteristics it share the same goal that everyone  wants a degree of some sort

2.     Christianity- A religion is another example of swales six characteristics and this is one that shares similar value and morals even similar books. 

3.     Facebook- social media is another example of swales six characteristics because it shares a similar goal everybody is posting a picture commenting and texting each other.


  1. Dyrisha John

    Micro activity #2

  2. Dyrisha

    Micro activity #3
    Dyrisha John
    English 1121
    Word count 523
    To choose a discourse community one must know what a discourse community is. A discourse community is a group of people involved in and communicating about a particular topic, issue, or in a particular field. So I went with a religious choice of discourse community because I felt as if it would be much simpler to talk about. So the discourse community of my choice is a Christian community. Some issues that are central to the community is
    1. Sexuality.
    Sexuality is one that I feel everyone should know about because especially in our the age that we live in today we see a lot of bisexuals In other people that are involved in the LGBTQ community in in a Christian community that is something that is very frowned upon because as we all know inside of the Bible it basically says that Adam and Eve made this world and there should only be a man and a woman doing sexual favors and that’s how basically God created the earth. And it also The people of the Christian community frown upon people that are lesbians that are gay and people that are transGender. Because they feel as if the way you were born as woman or as a man you’re supposed to stay the same way because God create the world and God knew what he created and God knew how he created you to be. Which meant a woman has the fall in love with a man and strictly a man and a man has a fall in love with the woman and strictly a woman. There is no in between there’s no man that loves another man that’s not in the Bible so they if it’s in their family they would look at you a certain way.
    2. Doubt
    Doubt it’s some thing that I feel that everyone in this community has struggled with. Because of the simple fact that we believe in a God that we don’t know if he’s true or not so when we come out of a struggle or a problem and we pray about it we feel as if God is not helping and Insert they tell you that God will not put you in a situation he knew you could not come out of. But some people just doubt this because of the simple fact that they pray and ask God for help in a certain situation and he’s not there they feel as if he’s not there he’s not helping.
    3. Addiction
    Addiction is another thing that I feel like the Christian community struggles with because in the Bible it says come as you are. End it also says to leave everything up to God and pray about it. But I am in charge that’s the main place where everybody gossips and has a little time when the tow there everybody shares everybody’s business so a lot of people that struggle with addiction of any type of drug they feel as if they cannot go and tell anybody inside of the Christian community because they feel like they’re getting charged and they’re going to be the topic of the church.

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