Prof. Jessica Penner | OL70 | Fall 2020

Mirco Activity#1

Justin Henry

August 28,2020

English 1121

Three pieces of information that caught my attention on the syllabus

  • Will we be able to peer share are work before sending it to you

All assignment have a specific due date

  • Are all assignment due at midnight
  • One of my concerns for this class is remembering this class because it’s not like my other classes where I would see the professor at least twice weekly. Another concern I have is will we be peer sharing each other work before we give it in. I believe I will be fine overall with the work because for my other English class I was always fine with my essays and work. Just that know it will be a little harder because now it is online. Hopefully, the writing for this class will not too hard that I can’t understand. Then again online works have its perks to because know you have more time to do your assignments because before always had to worry about the commute from school to home. I’ve always loved English because you could express your self and its never a wrong way to express your self that’s what I love about it.


  1. KevonDawkins

    Good opinions , I had the same with peer work which should be interesting to see how will that work.

  2. Karan

    Hey Justin! I like how you mentioned keeping up with this since I share a similar dilemma with you! Since most of my classes are asynchronous, its hard to keep up with a lot of the work that professors put out especially demanding ones like English assignments. But we can still pull through!

  3. Mahreen Munawar

    I can totally relate to your struggle of not remembering this class. I almost forgot all about it till like 2 days ago but being college students comes with a price which is responsibility! I hope we can still make it through despite all this uncertainty going around.

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