This is by far is the most exciting to me. Indeed, a picture is worth a thousand words. So how much can you do with a picture and 500 words? Cartoons, comics, movies, memes, are so powerful. Generations have moved so far from the radio. Whose media was only clever words and sounds. No disrespect to the radio, that was captivating, and had longevity. But only due to the ingeniousness of the artists in the studio. But now we have more, so much more, media available. A cell phone in the hands of someone with talent can make a complete movie. Unbelievable only 10 years or so ago. This would be unfathomable without rolls and rolls of celluloid. Today indeed is the creators’ market. Authors and artists combined. I believe Aydin, Spiegleman and Strapi used the medium for just those reasons. To connect an event in a visual project, sends a powerful message. Based upon the events I am sure some of their audience have vivid memories the creator is attempting to tap into. This can stir up strong emotions. And embrace the intended audience to the desired effect.
This genre is fascinating and explosive in its ability to transfer an idea, or an opinion, or a statement. I again have to mention my excitement to prepare a multimodal project. I have done some short videos for YouTube on an appliance repair. I also have also created aerial imagery that I attached a musical score to. I suppose this is multi modal as it has sound and imagery combined. I have also prepared many power point presentations which I would think are multi modal as they contain pictures, some with text, assisted by my live commentary.
In my house I have some lithographs that I saved from a dumpster years ago. At first, I only saw them as some anti-Nazi art from WW2. But they were so interesting to me I kept them. As it turns out they are collectable and may possibly wind up in a Jewish museum. They were from an artist attempting to bring to light in the United States what Germany was doing to its Jewish population. It was designed with hope that the US would enter the war. I was an avid dumpster diver in my youth, and was a deep dumpster diver. A skill that took some personal humiliation. But hey who is laughing now. I am, I scored, no shame.