Annotation: Black Lives Matter: A Commentary on Racism and Public Health


In our judicial system, racialized police brutality, and police corruption, the latest non-indictments of police officers who murdered young Black men have sparked popular and academic debates on institutional injustices. In reaction to these incidents, what is glaringly missing is a public health viewpoint. Beyond these isolated events, they seek to fill this void and widen the ongoing conversation to a larger discussion about inequality in America and how it impacts the health and well-being of people of color. Their mission is not only to reinforce how prevalent systemic bias is in our culture, but how important anti-racist action is to public health ‘s core priorities and values.

Quotation: ““I can’t breathe.” “Hands up.” “Black lives matter.” These statements developed in reaction to the recent deaths of Eric Garner, an unarmed Black man strangled to death by police in Staten Island, New York, and Michael Brown, an unarmed Black adolescent shot to death by police in Ferguson, Missouri.”