
 Laad, G. (2017, January 26). School Bullying Linked to Lower Academic Achievement. Retrieved March 24, 2017.


In this article I have gone through I have realized that there are distinct types of bullying, they include; “packed bullying, physical bullying, individual bullying, face to face bullying, emotional and also cyberbullying. “The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)explains why middle school students get bullied more than the high school students. There is a set of targets with similar discussions to bullying, for example, making fun of some races and religions. As a result, most children develop some behaviors such as low self-esteem, lack of trust, isolation, and lack of assertiveness. The information gathered from this article can be used as teaching materials in schools. This may help the learners know the effects of bullying and which type of bullying affects them. School bullying includes all sorts of bullying acted upon school property, be it peer to peer bullying, young kids being driven by the older ones, or either a teacher forcing students or being bullied by students. A group of people carries out packed bullying. The Wesley report of 2009 indicated that packed bullying was most common in high schools and its characteristics were long-lasting compared to bullying carried out by individuals. It may affect an individual either physically or emotionally and be reflected on the person or in cyberspace.

Quotation: “packed bullying, physical bullying, individual bullying, face to face bullying, emotional and also cyberbullying.”