Part 1: this semester has been a challenging one, not only because of Covid-19 and trying to take care of myself but also being careful of no compromising others around me. One of the hardest part of this semester was having all the classes moved online, although I love it being at home when taking classes the truth is that we lack that interaction with peers and teachers. One thing I’ve learned so far is how to be a better writer and although I thought this class was going to be a challenging one because English isn’t my first language and I honestly hated the idea of failing because of it, I have learnt how to write a better paper, especially because of all of the punctuation and capitalization problems I had at the beginning of the semester. As a reader I have learnt how to sort through the reading I’ve been assigned and look for the answers I want, and become more determined towards the purpose of the reading so that i have context. it has also make me build a better vocabulary. As a scholar I have learnt a lot. I have learnt to communicate effectively, I have also learnt how to rely on, work with and help others.

Something I am taking from this class that I didn’t know how to do and honestly used it yesterday for Health Psychology, is how to do an annotated bibliography, and although I thought the work that an annotated bibliography required was difficult, I realized this can help me in the near future.

Part 2: two small pieces of writing this semester I enjoyed doing were micro activity 6 and micro-activity 7. Micro-activity 6 is my favorite because looking back I think it did prepared us to work on the annotated bibliography, we sorted out the answers to the questions that were presented to us, it also allowed us to use quotes properly which once again I can think of as a preparatory work for Unit 2 assignment. This micro-activity also allowed us to think outside of the box and used our own voices and words to communicate that idea we had. Overall I do believe this micro-activity was the best one the whole semester.

The second micro-activity I choose is micro-activity 6, this one was a little challenging because we was trying to work towards unit number one and we needed to have an idea what genre we were going to use. That unit was the one that challenged me the most, I don’t think that unit was as hard as I think it was but my fears of writing made me believe that I was going to fail that unit. I was really happy with the grade I received on that unit, that unit said a lot about me as a writer because I struggled mostly because of my fears and not so much because of my English.