Monday, 11/30 – Friday, 12/4

Since you have a lot of reading/comprehending/writing to do this week, I’ve decided to combine the Announcement with the Agenda–to give y’all one less page to go to this week! This week will focus on writing a Final Reflection, building your Final Portfolio, and self-reviewing your final reflection. Let’s dive in…

Final Reflection and Portfolio

By end-of-day Monday, 11/30, the following activities are DUE (end-of-day means 11:59 PM): READ:
  • Please read through the assignment guidelines for the Final Reflection and Portfolio. (They are two separate documents!)
  • Look over your work from this semester (all small and large assignments).
WRITE: Questions about Final Reflection and/or Final Portfolio
  • If you have any questions regarding the guidelines for the Final Reflection and Portfolio, email me or visit me during an office hour. Please note: be sure to read both assignment documents before you ask: “What are we supposed to do?” 
  • This is an optional assignment–but don’t ask questions on December 12 that should’ve been asked this week!
Micro-Activity #21: Reflecting and Building the Portfolio
  • Write a post in which you do the following (this is a two-part activity):
    • Part 1: Look at the reflection questions in the Final Reflection page and free write for 20 minutes. As we have been doing all semester, set a timer to help keep you on track! (approx. 250 words)
    • Part 2: Now pick two smaller pieces (Micro-Activities, Discussions, Introductory Work) to include in your portfolio. Include a short reflection explaining why you choose these two pieces and how it shows your growth as a writer: for example, consider the following questions: Did you struggle with these pieces at all and how did you help yourself to complete the assignment? Or did this assignment come easily to you, and, if so, what does this say about you as a writer? Or is there something else about this assignment that made you want to include it in the Final Portfolio? (approx. 250 words).
    • Post this under Student Work: Final Reflection Work and title it Full Name, Micro-Activity #21.
    • Begin to draft your Final Reflection and build your Portfolio.

Write & Self-Review

By end-of-day Sunday, 12/6, the following activities are DUE (end-of-day means 11:59 PM): WRITE: 
  • Work on drafting your Final Reflection for the rest of the week.
  • Self-review your first draft by 11:59 PM on Sunday, 12/6 and email the self-review sheet to me! The self-review sheet is below. You’ll earn 50 points for your Final Portfolio grade!