Jevon Williams

ENG 1121


Prof. Jenner

As a multi-modal project, I chose PowerPoint. I think this genre is helpful because it will make my paper on “What are the techniques of deforestation expansion?” more attractive. I believe this genre is appropriate and valuable because I believe this event is an effective way of informing my research to my audience. I think the PowerPoint presentation will also give my audience a clearer understanding of the “deforestation expansion methods” and help them better understand the problems in individual nations. I want my audience to understand and see my data to understand how these techniques can impact and make our environment better or worse.

I hope to let my audience know about the growing concern about deforestation, and the loss of biodiversity in forests, and what kinds of solutions might stop it. Content, formatting, and user interface would be suitable for some elements. To customize the theme and color, and format all slides such as bold letters, line spacing, fonts, etc., useful features would be design features. Also, my presentation will have colorful graphics, bullet points, and images of detailed quality.

I want my PowerPoint presentation’s tone and mood to be serious and direct. If we do not change things now, I want my audience to be concerned about deforestation and to think about what could happen to the earth in the future. The technology I will need is Google slides to compose the portion of my multimodal project. The data that I will need from my U2 project will be used. That includes discussing deforestation-reduction policies and finding practical solutions to deforestation issues.