I think the most appropriate way to inform my audience about deforestation as a global and tightly interconnected event would be a format of a presentation created in the Keynote software. Since my focus audience is not the scientists who love and understand the specific delivery that can be embedded into text only but the general public, corporations, politicians, the visual format combined with a reduced amount of narrative should be the most influential.

The length is questionable at this point, but the story should start with a general explanation of deforestation and its worldwide pace. Then, it will be developing over several slides towards how the local deforestation hotpoints affect forests in the other parts of the world. Some facts and scientific data would be helpful and should surprise the audience that has no to some knowledge about the issue. Then the presentation will be falling to a conclusion where only global unity and collateral attempts will make a significant difference.

The presentation should feature images like before/after, rates, and diagrams of how fast the planet is losing the forest. Another data that would be useful to show is the powers that help to intensify deforestation. Among others, those are the size of illegal logging syndicates and economic carvings of particular countries.
The diagrams containing general facts on why we need forest will also help to catch the audience with humble knowledge on the topic, thus allowing them to comprehend more on the exit.