Estarlin De La Rosa

English 1121

Prof: Jessica Penner

World Count: 232

The Declaration of Independence 

“I am floored by how Americans do not even seem to believe Black people even deserve the right to pursue happiness,” she said.

1 st Equality

One of the main ideas of the declaration of independence is the freedom of Americans but there is something clear that is marked during all these years of freedom. Not everyone feels the same way of freedom, we see that many African Americans do not feel the same way because many of them continue to have their rights abused on the streets. I am one who thinks about equal rights regardless of our skin color, religion, or country of origin.

2 nd Homeless

Personally, my question has always been why many of these homeless people take help from the government to get ahead, but the answer is that they have to wait a long time to get something from the government. And many of them are not willing to wait a long time because they have nothing to eat on those days.

One of the things is that we are all in that condition of becoming homeless, because many buildings are often burned down, killing many homeless people.

3 rd Bullying

Bullying is something that marks many people during their study days, but equally these types of bullying can also be seen in the work or environment where that affected person moves.