Estarlin De La Rosa

English 1121

Prof: Jessica Penner

World Count: 174

Micro-Activity #11- Estarlin De La Rosa 

The topic that I have chosen for its research is about the movement of Black Lives Matter in The United States.

Through research for this topic I was able to find that this movement was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin ‘s murderer. Trayvon Martin was a kid of 16 years old who was murderer for a white man in Florida. 

From this research I was able to learn that these abuses of African Americans in the United States date back to the time of African American slavery in the 1800s. Leaving in itself more than 200 years where many white people feel that it is okay to violate the rights of these people, just because of their skin color.

  1. Is there a reason why people of color are treated differently by many Americans?
  2. When will the day come where we all have the same rights?
  3. Are African Americans correct to defend themselves with protests?
  4. Why do American police feel superior to others?