Compared to traditional novels or historical essays, using multimodal texts has many advantages. First, Multimodal texts express the author’s ideas more specifically and visually, and can attract the reader’s attention more. Second, multimodal texts have no words or only few words, which allows readers to understand the meaning of the work more easily and quickly. Third, multimodal texts have a larger reader coverage, so children and people with low education levels can understand it. Last, multimodal text has a variety of channels for information transmission, and spread faster and wider than traditional writing.

I can predict what the entire video/novel is going to present to me by looking at these samples. Sample is the highlight of the work. It catches your eyes and sends a lot of information in a few seconds. I can feel the tone, theme and author’s view of the work through the sample. I never worked on a multimodal piece. I am excited to get out of the traditional writing form, and I am able to convey our thoughts in a new way. This will be a challenge for me, and I am worried that it will not meet my expectations.